2012年11月15日 星期四

執行情況的統計數據(BY USER ID)

Transaction is ST03N.
On left hand side, top portion of the navigation panel,
Select Administrator
Select Expert Mode
Select server name
Double click on day, or week, or month
Select Analysis Views on lower portion of left panel
Select User and Settlements Statistics
2x Click User profile to bring up listing of all users
Right-Click user column header (USER)
Select Sort in ascending order
Go to user in question
2x click on the ID of the user you wish to see a listing of tx activity and a listing of txs will appear


2012年11月12日 星期一


刪掉 MM 顧問建的每日排程
EU_PUT       > SAPRSEUT  Update Object Lists After Transport
EU_REORG > SAPRSLOG  Refresh Navigation Indexes and Object Lists

工作步驟 解釋 參考來源:http://scn.sap.com/thread/830053